MIRAC is an all-volunteer, grassroots, multiracial, and multinational immigrant rights mass-movement organization. MIRAC fights for legalization for all, an end to immigration raids and deportations, an end to all anti-immigrant laws, and full equality in all areas of life.

What We Believe
MIRAC sees the U.S. immigration system and criminal justice system as fundamentally unjust, racist, and white supremacist
MIRAC recognizes the roots of forced mass migration in the economic system, economic policies and in imperialist wars.
MIRAC stands for people’s right to migrate as well as people’s right not to be forced to migrate. We are in solidarity with popular movements in other countries and oppose U.S. intervention in other countries.
MIRAC struggles for legalization and full equality for all, an end to immigration detention and deportations, and an end to border militarization. We believe no human being is illegal.
MIRAC carries out activist campaigns to protest and change unjust immigration laws and policies. We organize communities and support individuals and families impacted by those laws and policies.